Blueprint for disease insights and prediction

Discovery is your healthcare platform to harmonize, standardize and analyze multimodal healthcare data to enable the right decisions sooner.
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Enabling the right decisions sooner for thousands of users worldwide

How Discovery works

Aggregate multimodal data

Generate powerful data insights on patient selection, disease trends and treatment outcomes by connecting and automatically analyzing multimodal data from multiple sources and formats.

Extract AI-based biomarkers

Uncover new insights on patient subgroups, faster for better patient selection by accessing automatic AI analysis to look at specific measures of biomarkers.

Monitor & predict disease progression

Integrate precision medicine in your workflow and elevate your quality of care to your patients by applying our AI models to monitor and predict disease outcomes.

Collective intelligence & process automation

Save time and gain valuable insights with automated workflows for patient management, and operating clinical studies.

Which areas of your organization can benefit from realtime healthcare insights?

Discovery can be used across 4 disease areas:
Vascular diseases
Neurodegenerative conditions
Rare diseases & ‘omics’
and is built for multiple teams across your organisation:
Pharma & life sciences
Clinics and hospitals
Clinical and academic researchers
Academic AI researchers
Use case

Supercharge clinical and research workflows in ophthalmology with RetinAI

Security & compliance

You can rely on us

With regulatory approvals and certifications on hand, Discovery complies with patient data privacy & security, and is suitable for workflows in clinics.

Ready to make the right decisions sooner?

Generate new and powerful insights through Discovery today!
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