Transform unstructured data to healthcare insights with AI

With our platform Discovery, we organize multimodal data at scale, for enriched insights at your fingertips.

Our core technologies enhance disease understanding

Patients matching criteria
Patients not matching criteria
Harmonize multimodal data
Extract AI-based biomarker data
Monitor & predict disease outcomes
Optimize workflows in healthcare
Learn more
A Complete Modular Healthcare Platform


Discovery is a healthcare software platform that organizes multimodal data at-scale, for enriched insights at your fingertips.

A versatile solution trusted by well known

pharmaceutical companies
device manufacturers
clinics and hospitals
contract research organizations
research institutions

Our modular platform and extensive library of biomarkers can power‑up analysis of a number of therapeutic areas:

Rare Diseases & ‘Omics’

Explore how our first product   paved the way in the field of ophthalmology

Learn more about retinai
About us

Our mission is to enable the right decisions sooner in healthcare

By harmonizing and aggregating unstructured medical data at-scale, we create a frictionless and open data ecosystem that improves understanding of patients’ disease and outcomes.
Pharma & research customers
Clinical studies 
1 million
Patient images
Peer-reviewed research publications to date
You are in good hands. Our international team of data experts from clinicians, researchers and engineers has been working at the intersection of machine learning, imaging and healthcare decision workflows for more than 10 years. They bring together powerful algorithms, insights and experience to accelerate medical data analysis into better decisions.
Learn more

Ready to make the right decisions sooner?

Generate new and powerful insights through Discovery today!
Contact us